Hi! Leigha here…
Men, money, the Universe … and manifesting…
Understanding one of these on a deep level automatically makes you more magnetic to all of them.
And… the most powerful one to understand… is your relationship with the Universe.
(Disclaimer: yes, the Universe is BOTH masculine and feminine, but for teaching purposes it’s more powerful to feel into the masculine energy aspect.)
When you shift your relationship with the Universe to one of a “lover” you can dissolve the blocks holding you back from what you truly want.
If you don’t learn how to shift your relationship with the Universe to one a of a “lover,” then you’ll either continue to operate within a wounded – codependent paradigm, or you’ll “friend zone” the Universe and dull your manifesting powers, or you’ll keep trying to manifest but wonder why you get some results and not others.
So what really changes?
Imagine knowing the Universe is doing everything possible to deliver your desires to you…
Common belief holding women back: thinking or believing the Universe is withholding things from you because it “knows” better. (Parent/child)
I’ve heard this from so many successful women when they struggle to attract love and/or clients. They get angry with the Universe and feel as if it’s withholding from them.
The Universe wouldn’t do that! (Your lover would never withhold from you.)
Imagine feeling completely loved and adored by the Universe…
Common belief holding women back: feeling as if the Universe is “testing” you to see how committed you are to your desires. (Unhealthy relationship dynamic)
If I hear one more time that “the Universe is testing you” I think I might scream. 😉 Once again, your lover isn’t going to test you, and if he did, please run far away!
Imagine feeling so confident inside knowing your desires are on their way…
Common belief holding women back: needing permission to live the life you want or feeling as if you have to earn approval/love to get what you want. (Parent/child)
The Universe delivers based on your ability to own your desires and know you’re worthy of them. If you look to the Universe for permission, approval and love (outside of yourself), you’ll be left empty and disappointed. (Codependent relationship)
Imagine feeling so strong inside yourself that you know you’ll always be ok…
Common belief holding women back: trying to get their needs met from the outside world. The Universe will not come in to fulfill your own unmet needs.
The Universe will not interact with you in a codependent way. The Universe cannot save you from yourself. (Taking on your stuff so you don’t have to.)
When your relationship with the Universe transforms into one of a “lover” you’ll attract what you want so much easier and more quickly.
You’ll become highly magnetic to men, to money, to clients, to sales… because it’s ALL. THE. SAME. ENERGY.
When you take responsibility for your own happiness and well-being, your ability to RECEIVE is amplified.
Imagine no longer worrying about feeling bad, sad, angry, etc., because just like with men, the Universe LOVES your feelings (you just can’t blame the Universe for how your life is going!).
You don’t need to worry you’re attracting “bad” things just because you’re not in a good mood.
You’re not going to lose a man just because you’re angry or in a bad mood, right? (This is not the same as making other people responsible for making you happy.)
Masculine energy LOVES all of our feelings as long as we’re not blaming them or making them wrong. (See how it’s all the same?)
When you relax into your life, choosing “calm” over “chaos” for the most part… trusting that everything’s working out, that you’ll be “ok” no matter what happens…you become an amazing lover to the Universe (because you have the ability to receive SO MUCH MORE!).
Trust me. 😉
If you’re ready to start 2020 with the entire Universe supporting you, you’ll definitely want to be in the next round of Feminine Energy Secrets. Go here to learn more. We start December 1st, 2019!
Leigha xxx

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Manifesting/attracting the love of your life is the same process as attracting anything, which is...
Many Many Thanks Leigha <3 <3
<3 <3 <3
So well written! You are amazing…..
Thank you Leah!! Right back at ya babe! <3
Haha, this is so refreshing to read. I haven’t heard people talking about the common beliefs in this way. I do these and reading this helped identify it and create space within me. All of the sudden I feel more at ease that it’s not really how it works (withholding, testing, etc.). It doesnt feel good to believe and live my life from that place and I’m glad it’s not true. What a relief. Thank you Leigha!
Thanks for chiming in here Clara!! Love what you shared! <3