You were meant to have

Legendary Love!

Learn the secrets to attracting the man who’s your energetic match…

Attracting Legendary Love…

You know you’re amazing. You feel confident in yourself and your ability to achieve pretty much anything you put your mind to.

You don’t have a problem attracting men or getting asked out on dates.

You feel like you’ve gone out on dates with so many men who instantly fall for you, but you don’t feel the same level of attraction or connection. (This causes you to question if you’re pushing away good men.)

It also doesn’t help that your closest friends and family tell you that you want too much from a relationship and that no man is perfect.

I’m here to tell you that there’s a reason it hasn’t worked out with the men you’ve dated so far. The right man for you exists, and I’d love to help you draw him in.

Let me show you my very simple, proven method for attracting the man you hope exists!

I’m Leigha!

I’ve been teaching ambitious women how to attract and have the romantic relationship they desire for over eleven years.

I met my legendary love 12 years ago. We’ve been married for 11 years, and we have two precious little girls. My husband is the man I had hoped existed. He’s charming, friendly, easy-going, often the life of the party (everyone loves him!), kind, caring, sensitive, and self-aware. He’s my best friend, and I’m so happy and relieved I didn’t talk myself into being with someone that I didn’t have a full body “yes” to.

A lot of women think they’re going to have to pick between either having chemistry or a great guy, and the truth is, you get to have it all with the right man.

You get to feel happy, excited, loved, adored, safe, cherished, and secure from the very first moment you meet him and every day forward after that. With the right man, you don’t experience the rollercoaster of emotions that so many women are used to experiencing.

Once you have the right dating strategy and you’re approaching your love life from an elevated perspective, you’ll see that attracting the right man can be easy and fun!

If I can do it, and my clients can do it, I know it can happen for you too.

Read My Blog

My Best Tips & Resources to Attract & Have The Relationship You Desire


What Makes A Healthy Man Fall In Love And Stay In Love

If your relationship has been a struggle and you’ve been trying hard to make your partner happy, but nothing seems to change…do this:

You must shift your focus from your man to your own happiness and watch what he does or doesn’t do and how you feel (this is getting back into your life raft), which will give you ALL the information you need to know about your relationship and what’s possible. (Keep reading to find out exactly how to do this.)



How To Keep A Relationship Healthy And Balanced – The Life Raft Tool 

When I first started my coaching business (over ten years ago), I was focused on helping women turn their relationships/marriages around because if it was fundamentally a healthy relationship, the dynamic could shift for good within hours or a couple of days! Even if they’d already been to marriage counseling, couples therapy, and other types of coaching (or were therapists or relationship coaches themselves!).

How To Quickly Recognize The Right Man For You (Learn To Spot These 3 Archetypes!) 

There are three archetypes of men that most high-achieving women tend to be attracted to or attract. Once you know what to look for, then men truly do become simple and predictable!

How To Create A Deeper Connection And More Intimacy With Your Man By Doing This

One of the most powerful things we can do in our romantic relationship is give our man the benefit of the doubt. Women tend to give men they’ve just met more benefit of the doubt than they do men they’re married to. An emotionally healthy man will respond in incredible ways to a woman who stays calm, loving, open and receptive to him. 

Work With Me

There are a few different ways to work with me.

Legendary Love

for women who’re ready to learn the most streamlined way to navigate dating so that you shorten the timeline for when the right man finds you.



for women who desire to reach their full potential when it comes to their romantic relationship and their career success.



I'm Here To Show You How To Attract The Man You Hope Exists

I can’t wait to celebrate your legendary love success story! When you meet him, you’ll feel a soul recognition, he’ll feel familiar. In fact, you’ll know very quickly he’s the man you’ve been waiting for! While no one is perfect, you’ll feel like he’s absolutely perfect for you (and vice versus), and you’ll understand why it didn’t work out with any other man.