Are You Magnetic To Your Desires?
You’re invited to a masterclass…It’s specifically for women who’re ready to embody the energetic signature that draws in the love and abundance they desire!
Are you ready to harness your innate magnetism and inner confidence so that your energetic signature goes out into the world ahead of you and opens up the doors of opportunity?
Your inner confidence is masculine in nature, and it moves out in front of you, opening up doors of possibility and opportunity.
Inner confidence supports your innate magnetism in drawing your desires to you in a way where you’re available to receive them.
The more embodied you are with both your inner confidence and magnetism, the more powerful your energetic signature and the easier it is to manifest your desires.
Once my clients have the right energetic framework, they know how to dissolve their glass ceilings and upper limits, which puts them on the fast track to attracting the right man and more abundance into their lives.
I would love to share this energetic framework (which is a very practical roadmap) with you in my newest upcoming masterclass!
Welcome to the Magnetic Mindset Masterclass!
I’m going to teach you exactly how to draw in the love and abundance you desire by dissolving your glass ceilings and upper limits; in a way that feels healthy, nourishing, and easy!
Once you have the right “roadmap,” you’ll know exactly where you are energetically at all times, and this will give you constant feedback to make sure your energy is doing the work for you.
When you know exactly where you are and what’s going on (no more winging it!), life gets to be so much more fulfilling, exciting, and fun!
The mindset that draws in love is the same exact mindset that draws in money, clients, opportunities, and more abundance!
There’s a very specific journey that women embark on when they’re consciously creating the life they desire, and calling in love and more abundance.
It’s an energetic journey that allows a woman to bring back all the parts of herself that she’s accidentally given away to men, friends, experts, situations, circumstances, limiting beliefs, etc. so that she begins to show up in her life as a whole, integrated woman who can easily hold healthy love and expand her capacity to receive more in her energy field.
As you begin to settle in and trust the journey you’re on (because you’re with someone who knows exactly where you’re going and how to get there!), this allows your energetic signature to go out ahead of you and open doors of opportunity that you wouldn’t have previously been aware of.
Your energetic signature dissolves your upper limits and glass ceilings.
So much about creating your dream life is energetic. When a woman masters the energetics and applies a very simple daily strategy for living, then she sets herself up in the best possible way to receive her heart’s desires. Showing women how to attract the love and abundance they desire while collapsing the manifesting timeline is my area of expertise.
Do you want to know how I coach women on their mindset that allows them to collapse the timeline for when the right man shows up? Even if they’ve been trying for 20 years – to have it happen in a matter of weeks or a few short months?
It’s the same mindset that works in every area of your life. This is why my clients tend to receive more money (thousands of dollars while we’re working together), and new opportunities even when our focus is on romantic relationships.
This masterclass will be taught live on Thursday, January 25th @ 9 AM Pacific. Once you pay, you’ll receive access to the course site where the recording will be posted. You’ll be notified by email a few days before the event with a link to join the live call. It will last 60-90 minutes, with time to answer a few questions at the end. You’ll have lifetime access to the recording.
This Is For You If…

You know you have glass ceilings and upper limits you can't seem to dissolve.

You're ready for life to be more fun, fulfilling, and easier to navigate.

You’re ready to attract the love of your life - yesterday.

You want the journey of creating and attracting your dream life to be fun and enjoyable.

You want to learn how to navigate your triggers and emotional turmoil in a way that moves you through your glass ceilings.

You’re ready to allow your energetic signature to do the majority of the work for you.

You know you have the ability to manifest amazing things but you want to go bigger.

You want to know exactly what to do to make sure you’re doing everything you can on your end to create your best life.

You're already in a relationship and want to specifically create more abundance and magic in your life.
The right man and opportunities (abundance) come TO you. Your dream life comes to you.
You don’t need to go find anything or make it happen. You simply need to be ready to respond when an opportunity presents itself to you. (Which also means you need to make sure you’re not getting in your own way.)
Here are a few testimonials…

Leigha Lake is the queen of healthy relationships — the only person I follow and trust for advice on love and partnership. When I met Leigha, I was a single woman desiring an incredible man. I was asked out on dates all the time, would go with an open mind, but ultimately kept feeling like “this isn’t Him.” After a while, I started to wonder what was up and why I wasn’t attracting who I was looking for.
The most valuable thing Leigha offered me was continuous affirmation that I’ve done enough healing work. “Don’t turn in on yourself,” she would say. Leigha would remind me that trusting myself and making my life beautiful were most important on my path to attracting the right partner. Learning how to identify a healthy relationship partner was also game-changing.
Now, I am in a beautiful, committed relationship with a man who is quite literally beyond my wildest dreams (and I’m visionary!). I adore him and he treats me like gold. Our unconventional lifestyles match up and we share a love of travel. I’m so glad I stayed in my life raft and allowed him to float up beside me so that we could see each other with clear eyes.
Since being with Erik, I’ve been catapulted into my next level in every area of my life and I believe this is the true power of holding out for true love. Healthy partners help us ascend and this is so important for our personal evolution and the evolution of the planet.
I’m so grateful to Leigha for her integrated and embodied wisdom on healthy relationships. She is absolutely the real deal.

At 51, I had tried it all. I have been dating for 21 years after my divorce, with a few breaks in between. Breaks meaning relationships that lasted anywhere from two weeks to 8 years on and off. I took all the courses, including Rori Raye’s coaching course and Alison Armstrong’s “Understanding Men Celebrating Women”. One-on-one coaching with Dr. Pat Allen’s daughter for a year and a little with her as well. I read every book in the self-help and relationship section. Turned to the law of attraction and the law of assumption videos, books, workshops, and coaching. I became an expert on men and how to be more feminine. I was constantly looking for what was wrong with me or them and trying to “fix” aka control my life and my love life.
I eventually found a therapist who helped me to start validating and accepting myself as I am. Yet, something was still missing…
That’s when I rediscovered Leigha Lake. Her no “bullshit” approach aligned with me, and I could feel with Leigha that she had boundaries and walked her talk.
I’ve tried it all. I’m an expert at online dating. I knew all the things, but he wasn’t showing up. I kept making the same choices or mistakes. I was able to attract the men but it doesn’t go anywhere after a first or second date. I was tired.
Conversations with Leigha have always been easy and the way she conducts herself with total integrity and honesty is refreshing in this coaching environment full of how to “fix yourself” coaches. No one out there talks about this or empowers women the way Leigha does. Her Legendary Love program, which I have memorized because I play it on repeat every morning, is the best program I’ve come across for women to feel empowered in dating and relationships.
Leigha has a way of almost reparenting her clients in a positive, supportive way. She teaches presence and acceptance in a way no one else does. Also, in a tough love way that I highly respect and appreciate. She teaches through example aka by who she is and how she is “being”. She lives her work.
In a very short time, 10 weeks I feel the most confident, grounded, present and empowered I’ve ever felt in my life. Nothing else has given me this sense of freedom.
I can’t say enough about Leigha and how every woman needs her message and coaching.

“…I met my husband shortly after doing the work Leigha recommended. We were engaged 6 months later and married on 11/11/18, exactly one year after he messaged me. We will celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary in Iceland this fall!
He is my soulmate and perfect for me in every way. I could not have DREAMED UP a better match. We attend church together, travel the world together, and love spending time in nature at our family cabin; we have two fur babies we love with all of our hearts… we are living our dream lives and could not be happier!
I am a person of deep faith, and I believe God is working through Leigha to help women find their perfect person. I cannot adequately express my gratitude to Leigha. You changed my life, and I am forever grateful!

Dawn met her now fiance just 6 months into our coaching together.
Here’s what Dawn has to say…

Shelley has been with her now fiance for over 5 years, and he’s her perfect match.

Jess met her now husband just 6 weeks into our coaching together.

Danielle met her now husband just 8 weeks into our coaching together.

Lauren and her husband have been happily married for a few years now!

Ari has found her soulmate and they just had a baby! So happy for them!

You’ll Learn How To:

Embody the energetic signature that calls in your heart's desires.

Apply specific tools to situations that are difficult to navigate.

Navigate the journey so you feel confident every step of the way.

Increase your innate magnetism and confidence so that your energy is doing the work for you.

Become an irresistible invitation for love, abundance, and opportunities.

Lean into uncomfortable situations so you can receive the magic they have for you (rather than avoiding them and giving them power over you).
I want you to learn how to use every interaction with every person as a way back home to yourself so that you’re showing up in life as a whole, integrated, healthy relationship partner.
Manifesting and attracting the life you dream about is actually about you coming back home to yourself. Once my clients reach a certain point in their journey where they’re truly happy with or without a man, and the journey feels fun and exciting…BAM, the right man appears, the right opportunity, and the best outcome drops right into their reality.
I want to show you how to harness your innate magnetism and confidence so that it works for you in every area of your life. The energetics and navigating your emotional paradigm are 90% of the equation when it comes to creating the life you dream about.