How To Get Your Relationship Back On Track When He’s Confused And Pulling Away

Leigha Lake

Here’s a question from Jessica…

“Hi Leigha, My boyfriend of over 5 years recently told me his feelings have changed and he doesn’t know why and if things can get back to the way they were before. He came on really strong in the beginning, he’s the one who moved things forward and brought up marriage within the first 2 months, I don’t understand how his feelings could change so quickly. Is there anything I can do to bring those feelings back? Thank you, Jessica”

My Answer:

Hi Jessica,

I totally get this – I’ve been there!  It’s so confusing when one moment with our man feels perfect and then the next moment he feels so far away as if we don’t even exist.  It makes us feel completely out of control and a sense of urgency that we need to do something FAST.

Here’s the thing – our first instinct is to try and talk to him about it and make some sense of why he’s doing what he’s doing.  This is EXACTLY what NOT to do.

What To Do If He’s A Rubber Band Man

Men follow their instincts even more than we do as women.  Interesting, right?

Most likely he’s feeling triggered about something.  A man feels compelled to commit to a woman when he thinks his life will be easier with her in it.  He needs to know he can make her happy.

Here’s the Truth about men

When we love a man and we’re available to him – when we’re committed to him (even IF there’s no real commitment on his end) – he can feel it.  Even if we’re not in front of him, standing by him, looking at him, or talking to him.  Sometimes it feels overwhelming to a man and almost TOO much.

If you’re just there with him, listening to him, even if no one is talking – he can feel close to you just by feeling your openness, your presence.  You don’t have to DO anything.

Can you feel how much doing nothing (non doing) you really need to do to bring a man close? This what being a love goddess is all about!

This can be a hard thing for us women who are natural givers. (I was the Queen of Over Giving and Making It Too Easy for a man.)

When you learn what not to do with a man – everything can turn around practically overnight.

If we don’t learn what we’re doing that pushes a man away, we’ll keep finding ourselves in the same situations over and over again.

I want to help you avoid the pain and frustration of having to figure it out on your own.

First – let’s go over what NOT to do when he’s giving mixed messages

Don’t reach out and touch him
Don’t ask for a hug (I know it seems like such a little thing!)
Don’t try and get him to “open up” and talk to you
Don’t try and make eye contact
Don’t try and get anything from him

Men are so scared we’re always trying to get something from them.  They’re afraid we’re trying to take them somewhere, trap them and put them in a “cage” so to speak.

The truth is – it’s because we usually are.  We’re trying to get close and move the relationship forward.

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to get close to our man and want a real commitment – the conflict happens when it starts to feel like pressure to him.

Your 3 Step Love Plan To Bring Him Back And Make Him Want To Commit – What To Do

1.  Next time you’re with him (I know there will be a next time) – just be there with him.  Don’t ask him questions or try and engage him in any way.  Be a Love Goddess – a warm, soft, open invitation – that’s ALL you need to do!  This will take the pressure off of him.

2.  Create Space.  Imagine taking a tiny step back and leaning back when you’re with him, or practice leaning back into your chair or the couch.  Imagine yourself melting into it.  Soften Your Body.  Imagine his energy coming towards you – whether you feel it or not.  How does that feel?

3.  When he starts talking – really listen to him – then express how you’re feeling, really respond to him.  Keep it happy, short and sweet – for now.

This will Reconnect Your Relationship – it may take a couple of weeks – and it can also quickly turn things around practically overnight.  Men and relationships can turn around on a dime!  Men recover much more quickly than we do.

When we learn how to simply BE with our man – we create a bond with him that’s deeper than anything we can do (kissing, touching, sex, making dinner, over giving) or say.  It makes him crave being around us.  It feels mysterious, sexy and intriguing to him.

If  we don’t learn how to just BE with our man  and we’re always up in our heads trying to figure him out and we’re feeling anxious and insecure – he can’t connect to us and he doesn’t know why. We’ll keep finding ourselves in this same situation over and over again.

The best thing to do whenever we’re with our men is to lean back – physically and energetically – and BE with him.  This is what he craves!

When the relationship is “Reset” and “Reconnected” – you’ll feel like the love goddess you are – with more awareness of exactly how to get your relationship back on track if things ever start to feel “shaky” again.

If your relationship doesn’t get better by you leaning back, being open and listening to him – he’s not your man.  Period.

There’s literally nothing you can say to convince him or action you can DO (masculine energy) – to bring him closer – it’s all in your energy.

You can transform your love life simply by being the love goddess you are!

Please let me know how this works for you – I would love to hear your updates!

Love, Leigha

P.S. If your relationship has become cold and disconnected, you’re going to want to read my ebook, “Make Him Fall In Love All Over Again” right away. I know it will completely transform your love life.

If you’re trying to figure out how to get the commitment you want WITHOUT pressuring your man or giving ultimatums, be sure to check out The Art Of Getting The Commitment You Want program. Understanding what makes a man want to give up his freedom will empower you to let him pursue you. It’s a win/win!


  1. Lily

    Thank you very much for such a helpful article, actually I’ve been doing it for awhile and things are a little bit improving but my man is still really confusing. One time he says he’s not in love with me and that he wants to meet some women and fall in love then two weeks later when I pull away he starts being lovey dovey staring at me like he’s in love and telling me how much he missed me when he was away.
    Do you think there’s still hope?

    • llake

      Hi Lily, the only way to know if he’s truly capable is if you lean back 100% and express how you feel AND be willing to walk away if he’s not capable of giving you the relationship you desire. That’s how you’ll know. Love, Leigha

  2. Gabrielle

    I have the same issue and now my boyfriend is unsure about us I think I really messed things up and I love him more than anything. Will he leave me if he’s unsure about us?

    • llake

      Hi Gabrielle, the most helpful thing you can do for yourself right now is get my eBook Make Him Fall In Love All Over Again and learn to understand men, love and romantic relationships. You can also read all the blogs and watch the videos and they will help you too. Lean back and get your focus off of him and onto yourself. The eBook will help you to do that. Love, Leigha

  3. Hannah

    My boyfriend can’t get over the fact that I was with someone in the past , he gets really upset and he said I wasn’t your first love , sometimes his ok then next time he gets upset , what do we do

    • llake

      Hi Hannah,

      You want to be with a more empowered man who doesn’t focus on the past (especially since this happened before you even knew him). Why are you dating a man who can’t get over the fact that you were with someone before he knew you?

      Love, Leigha

  4. Mona

    Hi leigha

    I am in relationship with my boyfriend for since 6 years with three breakups. I really love him and want to become his better half. I have tried no contact strategies. Done the push and pull methods. Works to an extent but not enough to keep him committed to me. He doesnt seem to have the courage to talk to his father about our marriage as we belong to different religions. Is there anything i can do to get him on my side for good?

    • llake

      Hi Mona, I want to refer you to one of my coaches. Her name is Kendra and you can find her @ She’ll be able to help you quickly figure out what your next steps are. Love, Leigha

  5. Emma Landua

    Hey, I’ve been seeing a guy for over a month. It’s been exclusive and we’ve been having fun when we hang out. In no way have I caused any pressure on him, and I really let him have his space. I think I’ve been too available to hang out whenever he did say lets meet (we text every day usually by his initiative.) We had a 4 day weekend in the country we live in, and he didn’t make any concrete plans with me. And I felt he pulled away and was being weird. Finally, I told him it’s strange that we didn’t meet on the 4 day weekend when we easily could have. He said he also thought about it and found it weird on his end, and he agrees he should have made me a priority to meet me (we’ve seen each other over 10 times in this month). He said usually with his gf’s he does make them priority and try to see them and with me he doesn’t know why he didn’t do that. I said listen I like you, but if seeing me is something on the back burner for you then that’s just not for me and I wnat to move on. He said he does like me and he doesn’t know why he is behaving this way and is confused. So I told him to take space and he said he’d still like to meet that night (Monday day we had the phone call and at night we met up). We talked again and he said he is just confused and doesn’t know why (he’s 31 and never had a serious relationship or said I love you.) We spoke again and I let him know I want him to be happy but I also need to be happy and I suggested he have some space to figure out what he wants. We still ended up going on a date after this convo we went for pizza and beer and then came back to my place and chatted /made out but no sex. Then i said listen take your space. He left and still wrote me good night and good morning and have a great day like he’s been doing all month, to which I just responded very late saying thanks! I wanted to say something like do you not want space? did you not make a decsision? I am basically just confused by his confusion and don’t know how much space to give for such a short relationship that I think has potential. i told him if we continue than it’s a comitment on our ends that we’re both willing to give each other time and explore getting to know each other and that’s all, no one is trying to rush to get married or something. Basically, what should I do now?!

  6. Emma Landua

    Hey, I’ve been seeing a guy for over a month. It’s been exclusive and we’ve been having fun when we hang out. In no way have I caused any pressure on him, and I really let him have his space. I think I’ve been too available to hang out whenever he did say lets meet (we text every day usually by his initiative.) We had a 4 day weekend in the country we live in, and he didn’t make any concrete plans with me. And I felt he pulled away and was being weird. Finally, I told him it’s strange that we didn’t meet on the 4 day weekend when we easily could have. He said he also thought about it and found it weird on his end, and he agrees he should have made me a priority to meet me (we’ve seen each other over 10 times in this month). He said usually with his gf’s he does make them priority and try to see them and with me he doesn’t know why he didn’t do that. I said listen I like you, but if seeing me is something on the back burner for you then that’s just not for me and I wnat to move on. He said he does like me and he doesn’t know why he is behaving this way and is confused. So I told him to take space and he said he’d still like to meet that night (Monday day we had the phone call and at night we met up). We talked again and he said he is just confused and doesn’t know why (he’s 31 and never had a serious relationship or said I love you.) We spoke again and I let him know I want him to be happy but I also need to be happy and I suggested he have some space to figure out what he wants. We still ended up going on a date after this convo we went for pizza and beer and then came back to my place and chatted /made out but no sex. Then i said listen take your space. He left and still wrote me good night and good morning and have a great day like he’s been doing all month, to which I just responded very late saying thanks! I wanted to say something like do you not want space? did you not make a decsision? I am basically just confused by his confusion and don’t know how much space to give for such a short relationship that I think has potential. i told him if we continue than it’s a comitment on our ends that we’re both willing to give each other time and explore getting to know each other and that’s all, no one is trying to rush to get married or something. Basically, what should I do now?! Would really appreciate your help!

    • llake

      Hi Emma, don’t do anything. If he’s saying he’s “not ready” believe him even if his actions don’t match up. He’s giving you crumbs. Don’t accept crumbs. If you’re interested in working with a coach on this I want to refer you to Kendra. She’s one of my apprentices. You can go to her website @ and book a free 45 minute session with her. <3

      • Kristy

        One minute he wants to spend time with me I stay over at his place for like a week straight he gets shady when he gets a phone call today and don’t answer it with me here then he tells me he don’t want to be in a relationship you people don’t get it and leave me alone why does he put me in the category as you people he mocks me when I cry then I sit here alone and he goes back to sleep

  7. Ana Pol

    Well my bf and i have been a realtionship for 3 years now…and we are both 20.The problem started 1 year ago when i have problem in facing situations because im so emotional person.i cried and sometimes have health problem coming from stres and being sad.
    But i thought we left rhem to the past….now he say that its my fault of pushing him back….and now he doesnt call me …we barely talk or talk when i call him …and he calls me back rarely….he doesnt show me interest at all i dont know what to do i really want to be with him.
    Ill try this advise but i rhink im hopeless.i feel so unloved and i really have tried so much for this realtionship.

  8. Anna

    Hi, my boyfriend and I have been together for almost 3 years now. we start with on and off, after a few talks we got very serious this year. it has been great. But he is planning to move back home for the new job, and we’ve talked about moving back to his country together. But in order to do that, we may need to get married so I can legally to stay there. I was unsure if we are stable enough. but he talked to me a lot serious things and even told his parents and my parents he wants this. But this weekend we had a huge fight about were gone for almost two days with very little contact with me. and I got sad and told him this is not going to work. He freaked out and told me he doesn’t want to lose me. and write me a letter saying how much he wants this to work and moving back together. But then the next day he says we need to talk, maybe he is not ready for all the big changes, he needs to have some personal time to think and clear out the mind to get ready for things. So I thought this is the end, but I gave him a whole day to do it, and then he texts me that day saying he has good feeling hope I’m understanding this. he just needs to talk with family, get some advice. then by the end of the day, I give up, I told him this is not gonna work if he can’t go the same direction. cause I know he is bouncing around. So he told me just talk tomorrow don’t leave yet. Next day, he back to the same, he said he really don’t know how to prove to me how can he keep promise stay with me and not thinking about other possibilities, he really want to have a life with me, he can see that, but rushing into marriage, he just can’t do it. but he wants this, maybe he just needs more time to think what to do, and once it made it he can go 100% to it. We are like this on and off all night. he seems like just can’t make up his mind. does he really want to keep moving forward? or he just afraid to break up. I asked did you had this thoughts last few weeks. he said he had some unsure, but he was still set on moving together. but this weekend away from me really made him feel maybe he need to rethink everything. I really don’t know what to do, he asks for more time so he can think, but I don’t think this is going anywhere, he had that moment before like a year ago and we pass it but now he is doing it again… I don’t know what to do to make him feel right.

  9. llake

    Hi Anna, please contact one of my coaches for a free coaching session. I’m going to recommend Kendra, her website is Or you can get my eBook Make Him Fall In Love All Over Again. It will help you so much!! And in the meantime, keep reading my blogs. Lean back and trust that if he’s the man for you, you don’t have to convince or “get” him to feel a certain way. Love, Leigha

  10. Christina simmons

    I’ve been with my boyfriend for 7 years . We broke up in September of 2017 and recently rekindled last month. Throughout the past year he tried to come back multiple times but I wouldn’t allow it. When we’re together things are great and I can feel the love from him, however, He says he’s unsure about whether or not he wants to give this a another chance. He keeps sending mixed signals. He was drunk one night and told me he loved me and that he’s scared to get hurt again. I couldn’t handle the mixed signals anymore so I asked him one more time if he wants to give it another shot and he still responded with “i don’t know”. So 2 days ago I decided to end it and told him goodbye. Do you think no contact will work in my situation?

    • llake

      Hi Christina, the BEST thing you could do right now is get my eBook, Make Him Fall In Love All Over Again. It will help you SOOOO much (even if it doesn’t work between the two of you, you will have clarity and confidence of how to move forward!!) Love, Leigha

  11. Becky corn

    This is my longest relationship going on about 2 years. He asked me to move out, not to break up, but to move out. Shortly after he said this I left for a month on a scheduled vacation. During this vacation my emotions ran my mind crazy, and then when I got back Ive just kinda been losing it at any slight thing he might do. I am manifesting the breakup I imagined would come after being asked to move out. I think this is fantastic advice and I know it to be true. Now, how do I relax and just be? Whenever I’m with him my emotions are in turmoil they don’t know what to do. How should I practice just “being”?

    • llake

      Hi Becky, I have tons of tools on how to navigate your exact situation in my eBook Make Him Fall In Love All Over Again. It also comes with a no-cost 30 minute coaching session with one of my apprentices. <3 Leigha

  12. Liyah

    Hi me and my boyfriend have been dating for 4 months he said to me that he is unsure about being in the relationship. He still tells me he loves me and cares about me. He also texts me goodnight and does be sweet, I’m not sure what to think of this?

    • llake

      Hi Liyah, keep reading my blog posts. I’m also starting a new course called The Feminine Art Of Dating, November 26th. It will help you so much with your situation. Most women don’t know what do think or do in your situation and end up doing what doesn’t work. When you understand men, love and relationships, you’ll never up in this situation again and you’ll know what to do to move forward and create the best possible outcome. Love, Leigha

  13. Yas

    Hi, we’ve been together around a year with my boyfriend and living together for around 9 months. At the beginning he came up so strong. He wanted me to move in together and even get married after 6 months but then we started to argue almost everyday. I picked almost every fight about his past or stuff I don’t like about him. Now he’s pulling back and he even told me he doesn’t want to marry with me anymore. He said he doesn’t feel like before and doesn’t know if we should be together. Sometimes he hugs me and cry and telling me why we became like this and sometimes he tells me he shouldn’t be with me anymore. What should I do to change his mind? I still feel like he still has love to me even it’s a little bit.
    Thanks for your suggestions.

  14. Shyann bentley

    My bf and I have been on and off for 2 months now he keeps saying he’s really confused and don’t know what he wants and after 2 days he comes back saying he made a mistake by leaving and idk what to do

    • llake

      Hi Shyann, please get my eBook Make Him Fall In Love All Over Again. It will help you know what to do and say in the situation you’re in.

      Leigha xxx

  15. Giselle

    Hello, i’ve been talking to a guy for almost a month. I know that he is shy so its been hard for him to really express how he feels. 3 nights ago he texted my best friend saying that he thinks he might have feelings. Me and him had been dealing with his ex who he had been with for a year and a half but broke up with each other 3 months before, She was being dramatic so i told my friend that i felt like a rebound, When my friend told him this he came to me and made it clear that I wasn’t one.The next day was the day before valentines day and he told my best friend in person that he was “confused” and that he had a lot going on outside of school. He also said that he didn’t want me to be confused as well. He never told me even though my friend told him that he had to tell me. That night i texted him saying that i deserved an explianation, He sent me the longest paragraphs explaining himself and i told him that I was willing to listen, After about 2 hours he says he wants to continue and that he was sorry and wanted to convince me. I said i needed time and i told him to never do something like that to me again and that i thought I should give him some time. HE SAID ” No i promise”. On valentines day he ignored me and i saw him confront his ex in a corner with his guy best friend. I felt utterly hurt and tried crying but no tears came. After school he said his “Im confused and I don’t wanna make you confused” speech again and all i said was “ok” and “ill see you” and left. He told me he had feelings but it just wasn’t the right time and that he felt hurt. What do you think I should do? Should I see and ask If he needs time or do I make him want me more by ignoring him and showing I don’t need him yet be nice to him if he approaches me? IS IT OVER?

  16. Amber Porter

    Hello, my boyfriend and I have been together for almost 2 years we recently just moved across the country and this is the first time I’ve been away from my family as well as this is the first time hes been away from his kids from a previous relationship. It’s been about 2 months since we moved and he has started to pull away and is telling me that he is unsure of our relationship and that he doesn’t know if we can work it out he wants me to move back home because everything around us isn’t working out the way we hoped and planned. I don’t want to push him away even more and that what it seems like I’m doing. We have tried to talk about thor or at least I’ve tried but he says he is sorry and just doesn’t know what to do or how to do it and doesn’t even know if he wants to be in a relationship with me. He says he loves and cares for me and wants me to be happy and that I am an amazing girlfriend and that I deserve to be happy, and that he wants me to be happy he just doesn’t know how to do it. What can I do to help him figure out things so far the plan is that in a month I’m moving back home so he can figure things out. But I feel like hes preparing to end things after I go home because he hasn’t had the best of luck in a long distance relationship and he is afraid things will turn out the same.

  17. Elle

    Hi Leigha,

    I have been with my boyfriend for a little over a year now. We had a fight and suddenly he feels disconnected, lost, and confused as he told me. He’s not acting the same emotionally or affectionately and it’s truly worrrying me as i really care about him. What do you think the cause is?? How can we get over it?? He tells me he loves me and he knows he does and that I am the love of his life, but he’s still claiming he feels “not like himself” and that “he does nothing for himself” PLEASE HELP.

    • llake

      Hi Elle, the best thing you could do is learn and understand the energy exchange between the masculine and feminine energies. My eBook, “Make Him Fall In Love All Over Again” will help the most right now. Love, Leigha

  18. Amy


    I have been dating my boyfriend for 6 months, both in our 30’s. Things were amazing… our connection felt deep.. when he looked in my eyes.. the conversations we had… especially lately in the bedroom.. really got to a real intimacy point. Where it felt real. This past weekend we had a bit of a drunken argument and I admit I was in the wrong. I apologized and then the following day he told me he didn’t feel a connection with us. I just find it so hard to believe none of it was real. I have been going to a bit of a down time the last few weeks and I just feel horrible about the situation. I feel like he would be giving up on something real… and I said that to him. He said he will give it more time. but what do I do?

  19. Kristin

    Hi Leigha, my boyfriend of two years loves me and still wants me. He’s very sweet in person but cold on texts. I just don’t know what to do because he is my soulmate.

  20. Regina

    Hello! I have been in a serious relationship with this guy for 1 and half year. We are in a commitment. He lives abroad. He is supposed to get here and marry me. But for the last 2 months he is telling me that he’s confused whether he wants to marry me. He said it’s not my fault only, he also has several issues which are the reasons this might not work out. I love him so much but I don’t want to impose. U don’t want to look desperate to him. What should I do to keep him interested?

  21. Shweta Talwadekar

    Hi Leigha,

    I have been in a relationship with a guy for over 5 years now. It has always been a relationship wherein I’ve been the one who has been more involved. Be it talking about a future together, expressions of affection or love. I have always been the one who’s more afraid of losing him and he knows it. He on the other hand has been emotionally unavailable or distant romantically. He says he can’t express himself but he loves me a lot. But his actions don’t match his words. When the time came, he also told his parents that we wanted to get married. But his parents are strongly against it and haven’t changed their opinion about it since a year. We’ve tried everything possible but they don’t seem to budge. It’s the reason why he has always had one foot out he door as he is unsure if he can leave his family for me. He has cried about it multiple times when it occurs to him that we may not have a future together. I know for a fact that he wants to be with me in the future. But he never commits to me or promises that we’ll end up together no matter what. He doesn’t want to stress his family out as he has become the reason for their tensions and health issues apart from their financial issues. I have always emotionally supported him throughout this and also said I’m ready to wait for him. He is so dicey and confused and can’t seem to promise anything for sure. What should I do in this situation?

    • llake

      Hi, I would walk away. I would also invest in a coach who can help you understand why you should walk away and help you attract someone who can have the relationship you want with. Please email Kendra @ xxx

  22. Charly


    I’m sort of going through the same. My partner of 18 yrs. left me (He said he couldn’t get over my past cheating, which over the past few years I’ve been getting my own help with but he went to live with another woman that didn’t work so he moved in with his friends) decided to come home after like a week cause he said he missed me and our son. When he initially came back he was very affectionate and said all the right things buts Its been about two weeks and everything has changed. He no long really talks to me or shows much affection. We had a very small conversation were he told me he wasn’t sure still, he’s still very affected by our past but that he still wants to be together. I’m very confused by this emotional roller coaster he has me on. What can I do ??

  23. Sasha

    Loved reading your article, I’m in LDR for past 7 months, he was supposed to meet me this Feb, but before that in Oct and again in Dec I asked him what is our relationship as he was becoming distant… He replied ‘I still love you, work keeps me very busy, LDR is hard so I’m unsure” he also added that he doesn’t Hv anyone else, I said I respect his decision but I’ll move on bcs I need to settle soon, after that he chased me for while only to fizzle out slowly… I truly desire him, but now I started no contact, but things are not changing, I’m really worried he s gone. I don’t want to lose him? Plssss help…..

  24. Emma Fairey

    Me and my boyfriend have had our ups and downs for sure but the last time I seen him we were perfect. Then lockdown due to the coronavirus was announced and all of a sudden hes began questioning our relationship. It was around 2 weeks ago now that he told me hes not sure if he wants to be in a relationship anymore but he still loves me and doesn’t want to hurt me so is struggling on what to do. I feel like this could be just due to speaking to his friends more and me not being around due to not being able to see each other but its frustrating because I cant see him and he isn’t prepared to cooperate until we meet in person again. We’ve been together over a year and a half now and I really don’t want to give up on us hes literally my bestfriend and my whole life but Im already feeling like ive lost him, please help x

    • llake

      Emma, the best thing you can do is let there be space between the two of you. It’s really counter intuitive but the right man falls in love when they’re not with us so the fact that you can’t see each other right now can work in your favor if you do nothing and give him the gift of missing you. You can do this. If you want my help, email me at and I can share some coaching options.

  25. Divine

    Hi Leigha,
    I’ve been in a relationship with a guy from college for over 5 months now, few weeks ago , we were talking and he talked about not seeing my results and insisted on seeing my results, at first, I didn’t want him to know about my results because he’s wayy smarter and I don’t want him to start looking down on me, then he gave me an ultimatum, said it’s either I show him or we’re done, I still refused, that passed, at the end of the day, when I told him I didn’t do really well as I expected, things started changing, now he says he’s confused and thinks he’s falling out of love for me, I don’t know what to do, I really don’t want to lose him.

  26. Marcy

    Hi Leigha,

    My boyfriend has emotionally detached himself from me because he is sad that I did not trust him. He pulled away and stopped showing his feelings and affections. He still text me good morning and good night but not in a romantic way like he used to. A few days ago, he texted me and said he wants to tell me he loves me but he can’t now, Yet, I am in his heart. What Exactly does he mean? It’s been ten days since he distanced himself from me. I don’t want to push him away so I have not initiated any message. I just reply to him, I don’t know what I can do because we are actually in a long distance relationship and given the coronavirus, we cannot meet up now. we are both committed and he has always been very loving and affectionate. I would appreciate your advices .Thanks

  27. Lizzy

    My boyfriend and I have been doing a distant relationship for about 5 years. I just relocated to be with him and live with him, change jobs, all that. After 2 months of living with him and just told me he doesn’t know if he still has feelings for me and if he still loves me. Any advice?

    • llake

      Hi Lizzy, you need to learn how to create space in the relationship so that he has the option to continue to pursue you. I talk about this in my eBook, “Make Him Fall In Love All Over Again.” If after creating space (for at least 2 weeks) he doesn’t come closer then he’s probably not the right man for you. Or if he does come close but consistently pulls away then you’ll want to learn and understand what’s healthy and what’s not in relationship dynamics so you’re prepared to walk away and never settle. <3

      • Karina chams

        Hi llake,
        I would really like your opinion on something.
        My boyfriend told me last month that he thinks he is loosing feelings for me and doesn’t know what to do. We have always been committed and since we met 2 years ago we have been inseperable. We nearly never fight or argue about any big thing and if we do we always solve it or apologise, but after all our time together he told me that but also sais that he wanted to make things work and didn’t want to break up because he isn’t even sure if this is what he wants. I have given him as much space as I can considering we live together and neither of us have family nearby to escape to. He says things r getting better but even after 4 weeks of working on things he still has moments where he is confused and wishes he could go back to how things were. Also I feel like I need to mention that he is feeling really homesick and it was only after we went to his home country for vacation that he started feeling this way.

        Thank you for your insight,

  28. Jessica

    I have been friends with a man for 8 months now. At first he was extremely loving and committed but has backed off due to depression and other stressors (not involving me). He says he does not love me but cares. He contacts me constantly throughout the day and makes sure he sees me daily. He comes to me for my opinion on everything. He has become my best friend and I have completely fallen in love with him. How do I get him to realize that what we have is love?


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Hey, Leigha here – I’m a mom, wife, lover of the outdoors & Relationship Coach for High-Achieving Women. My mission is to help women steer clear of unhealthy, toxic, soul-destroying relationships and show them how to attract an integrated masculine man, and live a deeply rich and fulfilling life.

Early stages of dating

Bonding stages of dating

Long term relationships


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