The most common mistake I see highly self-aware women (who've been doing inner work for years) make that stops them from attracting and being with the right man is giving too much benefit of the doubt to "the man with potential" in hopes that one...

The most common mistake I see highly self-aware women (who've been doing inner work for years) make that stops them from attracting and being with the right man is giving too much benefit of the doubt to "the man with potential" in hopes that one...
Let's talk about what healthy men do and don't do, so you can clearly understand what a healthy...
What Makes A "Healthy" Man Fall In Love And Stay In Love... (This ONE tool can save a marriage and...
One of the most powerful things we can do in our romantic relationship is give our man the benefit...
When I first started my coaching business (over ten years ago), I was focused on helping women...
Let's talk about how simple and predictable men are and how to quickly recognize if a man is...
Invitation to join - Beyond Healing - The Integrated Woman's...
Hey, I am Leigha – a mom, wife, lover of the outdoors & Relationship Coach for High-Achieving Women. My mission is to help strong, successful women attract an integrated masculine man, and live a deeply rich and fulfilling life.