Stop Doing This And Attract Your Ideal Clients
I don’t “do” objections with potential clients and here’s why…
I’ve been told (by many coaches/mentors!) that I need to “overcome” objections with potential clients and “help” them see the value in my work.
I’ve been told I need to “go deeper into their pain” so they can see that they need me.
I believed them to some extent but whenever I “tried” to do it their way – it felt so inauthentic and wrong.
This is something that’s been on my mind pretty strongly, especially as I’m pretty effortlessly launching my Men, Money And Intuition program. (Seriously, it’s been the easiest launch I’ve ever done…and I expect it to continue this way because I’ve never been so excited about a program in my life!)
Each woman who’s invested has come to me saying they’re interested and then we have a conversation about it and they’re in.
This is what I EXPECT and what I desire.
I’ve built a 6 figure business NOT overcoming objections and digging deeper into a woman’s pain. I believe the women who are ready to work with me >>>>> and ready to implement what I teach to get the best results >>>>> are ALSO ready to say “yes” without objections.
This has been my experience for the last 4 1/2 years.
When I invest in a coach or program, I’m already a “yes” before I get on the phone with them. I don’t have objections. Why would I think the women coming to me would be any different?
Thinking my potential clients need my help in getting to a “yes,” is believing they’re not smart enough to make their own decisions. It starts the relationship off with them not trusting themselves which is the EXACT opposite transformation I deliver.
Here’s another aspect.
Business and dating are SO SO similar.
How To Become Irresistible To Clients (And Men) So They’re The Ones Pursing YOU
As a woman entrepreneur, you’re the feminine energy. This means you’re the Light House (I talk more about the light house in my eBook Make Him Fall In Love All Over Again).
This means your essence attracts the men and clients TO you.
Your invitation inspires the masculine energy (the masculine energy in men AND clients) to pursue YOU, by ASKING you out or by asking how they can work with you.
If a man I was initially attracted to told me he “didn’t know what he wanted” “needed more time” “wasn’t sure” “didn’t have the money” to date me, I would simply let him pass on by.
I would not try and hold onto him in ANY way or question him about “finding the time” and what his priorities are.
I would simply know that he wasn’t what I was looking for and there are PLENTY of amazing, available men waiting for me to see them.
This is the same for potential clients as well. Your soulmate clients are ready and willing to work with you.
You inspire the empowered masculine energy within your clients by trusting that if it’s the best fit, they’re going to be asking YOU for the “sale” – just like you would a expect a healthy, masculine man to ask you out on a date!
Your job is to be a lighthouse and make sure you’re visible to all the “boats” out at sea. You don’t want to freak out if some boats choose to stay out at sea. You also don’t want to grow arms and legs and frantically run up and down the shoreline making sure every boat sees your light.
You don’t need to chase clients.
You don’t need to overcome objections.
You don’t need to do anything that feels bad or icky to you.
You don’t need to work hard or burn yourself out.
What’s required of you is let your true essence shine so others can find their way to you.