Being The Invitation

Leigha Lake

Being The Invitation

I would love to invite you to join me in Being The Invitation, an 8-week private coaching program specifically for women who want to learn how to harness and embody their masculine and feminine energies to draw the man, money, clients, success, and opportunities TO them.

Many women have learned how to “be more in their feminine energy and not in their masculine energy,” but they haven’t learned how to integrate them, which is the missing piece to the puzzle when it comes to attracting the right man, more financial abundance, and everything else your heart desires in a much easier way.

When your masculine and feminine energies are in harmony, you become the invitation, just like the analogy of the lighthouse. Imagine a lighthouse as being the invitation to the boats out at sea. If the light (feminine) isn’t shining, the boats don’t know the lighthouse is even there. If the structure (masculine) that holds the light isn’t solid and grounded or not present, the light is wobbly and difficult to see. This is what I often refer to as “dipping” and it happens when we’re unsure of ourselves and we move (make choices) in what feels like a backward sense of safety. Dipping dims our light and we become unavailable to our desires.

It’s only when your masculine and feminine energies are working together that you open up the path to receive what you desire most, at your highest level. This is my area of expertise.

There are 6 concepts that every woman needs to be aware of and once she knows how to show up for herself, she truly becomes the Invitation!

These six concepts are:

  • …healing your triggers and dissolving the illusions that keep you from quickly recognizing healthy empowered relationship dynamics (women stay too long in unhealthy relationships with men, clients, jobs, etc.)…
  • …becoming aware of what’s healthy and what’s not when it comes to all the relationships in your life (strong, capable women are often pulling others along and this stops them from receiving, and highly sensitive women are fearful of others lashing out at them)…
  • …disengaging from drama and learning how to stay neutral so you can easily access your intuition and stay connected to yourself and in your life raft…
  • …shifting from a “goal-getting” paradigm to an “inner-awareness” paradigm so you can reach a greater level of happiness, fulfillment, and abundance…
  • …learning how to show up for yourself and take your power back, especially in the areas that are difficult and challenging (integrating masculine and feminine energies)…
  • …understanding the three layers of relationship; subconscious/conscious, close relationships with people, and with the Universe…

The way we would work together is we’d start with a 60-90 minute coaching call over Zoom, where I would identify the energetic kink(s) that are holding you back (causing the disconnect with men and/or money), and then we’d set you up with a daily plan to move forward, and you’ll learn how to communicate with the Universe and how it’s communicating with you (through your feelings, intuition, and synchronicities).

You’ll have access to me via FB messenger or another App for easy (almost daily) communication Monday – Friday. The purpose of almost daily communication is so that I can see where you’re “dipping” your energy and help you learn to think differently and how to navigate your life in a way that works FOR you.

Here are just some results that past clients have created from working together:


  • Attracting her integrated masculine man seven weeks into our coaching. (She’s in her early 50s.)
  • Attracting her integrated man five months after working together.
  • Attracting her integrated masculine man on her first date on Bumble. (She’s in her late40s.)
  • Attracting her integrated masculine man within six weeks of our first session.
  • Attracting her integrated masculine man within 2.5 months of working together.
  • Attracting her integrated masculine man within five weeks of joining one of my masterminds. (She’s in her mid-40s.)
  • Attracting her integrated masculine man after online dating for a short amount of time and only going on one other date before meeting him. (She’s in her late 50s.)
  • Attracting her masculine man and getting engaged in eight months.
    Leaving toxic relationships.
  • Bringing in an extra $350k from investments in 2019.
  • Going from $200k to $300-$400k (including commissions).
  • Bringing in multiple six figures during our year together.
  • Going from not being able to pay her bills to selling out her courses and programs over and over again as a dancer.
  • Many coaches experience receiving clients out of the blue once their energy shifts.
  • Women receive gifts of $20k in cash, $10k in cash, cars, and business grants without effort.

When women integrate their masculine and feminine energies, they come home to themselves and they become magnetic to men, money, and everything else!

There are more women than I can count who’ve gone through my programs and courses that are now with their integrated masculine man, and experiencing more financial abundance in their lives.

The women who’ll receive the best results from this program are willing to learn how to think differently, surrender and release control, and navigate life in a much more intuitive way.

How is “Being The Invitation” different than other “manifesting” programs?

When a woman learns how to deeply connect to herself, along with learning how to recognize how the Universe is communicating with her through her feelings, synchronicities, and intuition, she heals and dissolves the energetic blocks, and distorted ways of thinking that are stopping her from reaching her full potential.

My intention is for you to feel more powerful, more whole, more magnetic, and more YOU than ever before which makes you the Invitation in your life. To walk away knowing you hold the magic of the Universe and nothing is standing in your way.

The icing on the cake is that you’ll also learn how to have healthy relationships in every area of your life because you’ll be the healthiest version of yourself. The amount of happiness, joy, fulfillment, and peace we feel in our lives is highly influenced by the health of our relationships.

The investment in this program is low four-figures and incredibly reasonable for the results and outcomes that will naturally happen from learning how to become the invitation in your life.

Click here if you’re interested in learning more. I can’t wait to hear from you! <3


  1. Brigitte Millar

    that sounds amazing, Leigha


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Hey, Leigha here – I’m a mom, wife, lover of the outdoors & Relationship Coach for High-Achieving Women. My mission is to help women steer clear of unhealthy, toxic, soul-destroying relationships and show them how to attract an integrated masculine man, and live a deeply rich and fulfilling life.

Early stages of dating

Bonding stages of dating

Long term relationships


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