Many years ago I read a relationship book (honestly, I think I’ve read them all!) by Marie Forleo, “How To Make Every Man Want You” and in it was a very valuable exercise.
This is the time of year when we can really feel the absence of that special someone, or we wish our love lives felt more magical, especially when it seems as though everybody has their “someone”.
Have you ever had assigned seating at a family event and you wish you had been at the other table?
Or you can only attend one party and once you’re there, you wish you had decided to go to the other one.
Or you stay home on Christmas and New Years just to avoid seeing people, and then you wish you had gone out?
Well…what if…starting now until January 2nd, 2014, no matter where you’re at or who you’re with…you decide that it’s the best place to be. With the best people. The perfect time. Everything’s perfect. And then say…”This is what I want.”
You might start to notice how often you’re wishing you were somewhere else, or with someone else – wanting your life to be everything it’s not.
This felt so liberating to me. Try it! I would love to hear how it goes for you!
Exactly two years ago, I was dating a man I thought could be “long term” potential. Except one night, out of the blue, he decided to go through my things and then ask me about certain things at 3 am in the morning. I knew the only way he could know about “certain things” was if he went through my stuff! He read my journal!
It felt horrible and I felt violated! I asked him if he went through my things and he paused and then said, “Yes I did, but the fact that I’m not lying about it should count for something.”
I looked at him – said, “I hope it was worth it!” and walked out the door.
I spent Christmas and New Years alone. I felt alone, even though I had family near by.
I kept wondering “How could this have happened?” I know too much about men! Where were the signs? (The 10 Relationship Road Signs you never want to accidentally misread again are in my Love Map and in my ebook, The Feminine Art Of Dating.)
I was introduced to Trever, very shortly after, on February 4th.
My point…most of the time after a break up, or when our love lives seem to be at a complete stand still – especially as we get older – we tend to feel like we’re “behind” or “starting all over” or “back at the beginning” when really we’re so much closer to the man and love we really want.
I really, truly believe you’re all closer to what you really want.
I wish each and every one of you a Happy Holiday! ????
P.S. On January 11th, 2014 @ 9 a.m. PST – I’m going to be interviewing Nancy Hayssen, Model and Author of Sexy at Any
Size! as seen on CBS Entertainment Tonight, Fox News and media worldwide!
Many women will be starting their New Year’s Resolutions to lose weight, get healthy and feel better. Feeling sexy now, at any size, can help you reach your goals and also help you in your love life – instead of waiting for some future moment in time to feel better about yourself.
She discovered a secret (and she’s going to share it with us) – How anyone can go from feeling ‘down in the dumps’ to instantly confident in 60 seconds or less…
…and we would love to have you to join us! I’ll be sharing more call-in information soon!
There’s also a special gift for everyone after the call! (There will be no selling, just great tips!)
This is great! I love the idea of deciding that wherever you are at the moment is the best place to be.
Love, Helena
Thank you Helena! I love hearing your feedback!! Happy New Year!!
xoxo ~ Leigha
This is awesome! Will be tuning in!
Love, Carrie xoxo