5 Easy Mantras For Attracting Love

Leigha Lake

According to many spiritual gurus and leaders, love doesn’t come to us by accident.  We call it forth through our thoughts, feelings, actions and intentions.  In essence, we attract who we’re being.  Love is all around us, but many of us have old systems in place that are unconsciously pushing love away.

All of the Tools I teach – help my clients to have the best mindset when it comes to attracting and drawing in their Mr. Right.  How you think and feel about men, love and relationships is so important to getting to where you want to be – in a life long commitment with a man who loves, cherishes and adores you.

Attraction Mantra #1

“I learn about healthy, loving relationships from people who have the kind of relationship I want.”
If you’re talking with your girlfriends who don’t have the kind of relationship you want and their giving you their advice – you might want to rethink who you’re taking advice from.  Many times our girlfriends and family members have our best interests in  mind but if they’re struggling in their own love lives – chance are, they’re advice may not be beneficial to you.  They’re probably still operating out of old beliefs and doing what doesn’t work with men and relationships and pushing love away.

Attraction Mantra #2

“I love to receive”
Learning to love to receive from everyone in your life will help you change your vibe from masculine to a more feminine way of being.  Men love to give and they want to give to a woman who can receive.

Attraction Mantra #3

“I am a magnet for love”
When we find ourselves ready for love or wishing we were already there – to our happily ever after – it can feel as though we’re never going to get there.  If you’re like I was, you’re probably wondering if it’s really ever going to happen for you, and that thought can take you straight into the pits.  What if, every day for the next month, you started telling yourself, “I’m a magnet for love”, and see what happens.

Attraction Mantra #4

“Finding love can be easy”
Along with being a magnet for love, begin saying, “Finding love can be easy”.  I talk to many women who feel defeated about the whole process of finding love.  In their experience it’s been “hard” and they feel hopeless about there really being a man out there for them.  When I say, “Finding love can be easy,” I already feel lighter about the whole thing.  This is the vibe you want to be sending out into the world.

Attraction Mantra #5

“I don’t have to work hard for love”
I know these two may seem very similar but if you say them, they feel different.  This is for all the women who are working hard to keep their man, or they’re trying hard to get their man back.  The harder you work for love, and for a man’s love and affection, the less attraction he will feel for you.  He’s most attracted to YOU when you STOP working at all to get him and give him the space to move towards you.  If you’re used to working hard for love – it’s going to feel scary once you stop and you’re going to feel so many emotions surface.  This is ok – this is what’s supposed to happen – you’re right on track! Keep repeating, “I don’t have to work hard for love.”

The most important part about using a mantra or any type of affirmation is to feel relief.  If what you’re saying brings a sigh of relief rather than stress and struggle – you’re on the right track!

Your friend,



  1. Arpita

    Hi..Great one. I feel I am going to repeat these statements.

    • llake

      Hi Arpita! Thank you for commenting and these worked so well for me – I know they’ll work for you too!! 🙂

      Love ~ Leigha

  2. Arianna Bermudez

    I SO needed to see this! I wrote them down and will follow! Thank You for this inspiring blog post!

    • llake

      Hi Arianna! I’m so happy this resonated with you!! I know they will help you feel relief (just like they helped me) and that’s the first step in attracting anything we want. Please let me know how it goes for you!
      Love ~ Leigha


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Hey, Leigha here – I’m a mom, wife, lover of the outdoors & Relationship Coach for High-Achieving Women. My mission is to help women steer clear of unhealthy, toxic, soul-destroying relationships and show them how to attract an integrated masculine man, and live a deeply rich and fulfilling life.

Early stages of dating

Bonding stages of dating

Long term relationships


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