Understanding Masculine Energy So You Can Attract Men And Money

Leigha Lake
If you can start seeing the Universe as your lover – showing *him* appreciation and gratitude for bringing you the things that make you happy (even the littlest of details)… …..instead of expressing or feeling disappointment, frustration or hopelessness – your life will QUICKLY and naturally start to transform into one that feels deeply fulfilling and pleasurable. (It’s obviously ok to express disappointment and frustration at times as long as they’re not the DOMINATING energy in your life.) When you express your unhappiness more consistently than happiness in your *relationships* – masculine energy will move away from you and will be drawn to feminine energy (someone else) that IS responsive to him and can receive what he’s capable of giving. For example: When a woman lives in a constant state of “….why isn’t this happening for me?” or “…is this ever going to change?” or “it’s never enough” “needing something outside herself to feel happy…” Flip this too… “….thank you for _____.” I love how ____ is all coming together.” “Everything is always working out for me.” This puts you in a RECEIVING place for masculine energy to give to you. Look for the synchronicities, be present moment to moment, feel happy and excited about what’s to come WHILE being happy now. That’s the recipe for attraction.
When you understand the natural energy exchange between the masculine and feminine, you’ll start healing and transforming ALL of your relationships with masculine energy: men, money, clients … (anything you think/feel you have to go out and GET). Last Thursday one of my amazing clients expressed happiness in how events in her life were flowing together for her and she said, “The Universe has my back!” Yes, yes it does my love. The Universe loves you, adores you, has your back no matter what, will give you ALL the time you need to get to a place to receive what it has in store for you, and will be there for you no matter what. (All the things the feminine needs/requires from the masculine to feel safe and to create space for trust to build, and for true connection and deep intimacy.) ——- Trusting the Universe, men and money —— to be there for you is one of the hardest things to do. Often you’ve had so many experiences of being “let down,” disappointed and maybe even abandoned by men, money and life. You have the power to change all of this and it’s so much easier than you think. You (your feminine energy) must go first though. The feminine ALWAYS goes first when it comes to transforming energy and creating a new pathway. Then the masculine WILL come in to fulfill her desires. Start treating the Universe as your lover. Love, Leigha P.S. I’m going to be teaching *an in person* (think COZY and INTIMATE) class on understanding men, love and romantic relationships Tuesday, February 27th. It will be held from 7pm – 9pm MST at the Yellow Butterfly Spa (In Salt Lake City, Ut). Connect with me here >>> leigha@leighalake.com if you want more details.


  1. sara

    I love this, I have bee stresed out for years because of this lack of money, partner and friends. Reading your article makes me feel a bit mire relaxed xx Is there any more artickes about this femine energy,

    • llake

      Hi Sara,

      Yes!! Keep reading, keep absorbing….everything can change for you!! Love, Leigha

  2. Claire jones

    I’ve NEVER understood money like this until now!

    • llake

      Claire, this is awesome!!! I LOVE it!!! <3 <3 <3

  3. Kristin Freeman

    Wonderfully put.

    • llake

      Thank you Kristin! <3

  4. KUBBY

    This was soo good ????


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Hey, Leigha here – I’m a mom, wife, lover of the outdoors & Relationship Coach for High-Achieving Women. My mission is to help women steer clear of unhealthy, toxic, soul-destroying relationships and show them how to attract an integrated masculine man, and live a deeply rich and fulfilling life.

Early stages of dating

Bonding stages of dating

Long term relationships


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