Love Tool For The Week!

Leigha Lake

What’s with guys these days?  Why don’t they ask women out?

One woman just asked me if there really are men out there who want to pursue?

Do they think she’s not interested because she’s not initiating anything?

Have you thought this before?  That maybe you didn’t make it easy enough for a guy to pursue you?

Why does dating have to be so hard?

Well…it doesn’t!  This is totally up to you.

Dating is no longer about dating.

It’s about practicing.  Practicing receiving from men, being an invitation, while at the same time having boundaries.

It’s about seeing a man for who he really is rather than for his potential.

Women are naturally hopeful and look for the best, especially in a man they feel chemistry with.

This is one of the biggest mistakes women make:  Dating a man for his potential.  This is the long road to heartbreak.

Let’s create a Love Plan for your life.

I know the idea of having a “dating strategy” sounds unattractive – but it WORKS!!

By having a Love Plan – you’ll be making better choices, avoid dating disasters, and on your way to True Love.

Here’s the deal…men follow our lead when it comes to feelings and emotional connection.  We always go first.

Step 1.  Do you want to be the feminine partner or the masculine partner?

The feminine partner is the being, feeling, expressing, and receiving energy.

The masculine partner is the doing, thinking, initiating, giving energy.

Great!!  I’m glad you chose to be the feminine energy – this is my area of expertise!

Step 2.  Leigha’s Love Guidelines

I want you on at least 3 dating sites.  The more you can practice responding and receiving from men, the quicker you’ll attract True Love.

This isn’t about meeting Mr. Right – This is about dissolving the barriers that have kept love from coming to you.

And then – Mr. Right can show up – and you’ll be able to feel him and let him in.

Just because you’re Internet Dating, does NOT mean that’s how you’re going to meet Mr. Right.  So relax about it – let it be fun and easy!

In the meantime do this:

no initiating
no calling first
no texting first
no paying or paying 50/50
meet your online dates for drinks, coffee, or lunch – never dinner (for date #1)
practice leaning back
practice expressing how you feel
practice being in the moment
Notice what kind of men are showing up

Step 3.  Be Open – Let Love In

Be open to new experiences, trying new activities and meeting new people.

Imagine letting love into your life from every direction.

How does that feel?

LOVE wants to give to you!  If you can do this, your Mr. Right will show up – I know he will!


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Hey, Leigha here – I’m a mom, wife, lover of the outdoors & Relationship Coach for High-Achieving Women. My mission is to help women steer clear of unhealthy, toxic, soul-destroying relationships and show them how to attract an integrated masculine man, and live a deeply rich and fulfilling life.

Early stages of dating

Bonding stages of dating

Long term relationships


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