Hi lovely,
I’ve never been so me. I’ve never felt SO free in my entire life.
Free to create programs because I’m in love with them and not because I need the money.
Free to share who I really am and to see that it’s exactly what my clients need in order to receive the shifts they came to me for.
My husband (Trever) and I went out on a date last night and on our way home we were talking about how amazing it is that our finances are the best they’ve ever been (even before having kids, even though living in Hawaii has such a high cost of living).
There’s so much I want to share with you about bringing your desires to you.
Whether you want to allow in more money or you want to attract an amazing, masculine energy man – it’s the same “process”.
Your feminine energy attracts what you want to you when:

- You trust in your desires
- You believe you can have what you desire
- You don’t need anyone’s validation or reassurance (masculine energy attraction killer)
- You can self-validate (wanting support/guidance and needing validation are two completely different energies)
- In unfulfilling relationships
- Never having enough money
- Men who leave you wanting more
- Unfulfilling careers/jobs