How To Communicate In A Way He Can Hear And Instantly Bring Him Closer

Leigha Lake
If your relationship feels disconnected and the love you once felt seems to be fading day by day… Or maybe your relationship just feels a little stagnant and you’re wondering how you can reignite the spark and bring more passion back between the two of you… you’re in the right place! There are two things we bring to our relationship that easily inspire our man to feel deep attraction, fall in love and stay in love – mystery and safety. We already have a sense of mystery just by being a woman and owning our mysteriousness. The sense of safety we BRING to a romantic relationship is KEY to having the love we want. Learning what your man needs from you (and it’s something he’s not even aware of) will help you easily create a lasting relationship without all the struggle and heartache. If you learn and understand what makes a man feel safe to be with you, you’ll avoid unnecessary heartbreak AND you’ll also feel more like a Goddess who feels empowered in her love life. If you don’t learn and understand what makes a man feel safe in a relationship, you’ll continue to work hard, analyze everything he does or doesn’t do and accidentally do things that don’t work. We tend to think that talking about the relationship and asking a man how he feels about us, will help create a strong emotional connection and bring us closer. Here are the differences in what makes us feel safe in a relationship and what makes a man feel safe. As women, we feel safe when a man’s words and actions match up. When we can see he makes smart decisions about his career, finances and health, it sends a message that he’s capable of making smart choices when it comes to his relationship as well. When we talk about things it helps us to feel MORE connected to someone. For men, it’s the experiences he has with you that create a strong emotional connection. They feel safe when we’re able to express how we feel and who we are without making it about them.  Being able to express who we are exudes an inner confidence (Goddess Energy) that’s very attractive. It’s saying on an energetic level – “I love myself and my feelings and this opens up the space for you to love me and cherish my feelings.” When we love and accept ourselves first, this automatically allows our partner to feel safe to be who he is. We also create a sense of safety when we cherish how we feel and can express those feelings without blaming or making him wrong. This sense of safety creates the space for true intimacy and connection. Here Are 3 Ways To Create Safety Within Your Relationship Men ultimately want respect, trust and appreciation (and to know he can make his woman happy). Expressing appreciation This can look like, “I feel so happy and relieved my car is working. Thank you for taking care of that for me.” “It feels so good to hear your voice…” “I feel so happy to see you… If your man is going through a difficult time Instead of trying to figure things out for him, show him you trust his ability to come up with the solutions he needs. Men LOVE this! You can say, “I trust you’ll be able to come up with the answer/solutions you need and I’m here if you need anything.” This gives him the space and support he needs and he’ll feel inspired to get close and stay close. He’ll see you differently than any other woman. If something’s bothering you Learning how to express all of your feelings allows a deeper level of intimacy between the two of you. Example:  Hi baby, there’s something I wanted to share with you, is now a good time? See what he says. Then express how you’re feeling and ask him what he thinks. Give him the space to answer and be willing to be ok if there’s no resolution right away. This is completely different than telling him how you feel and expecting him to do something about it (this is where we tend to miss communicate, and anger and resentment can build). Just by tweaking a few simple things – you can create significant changes in your love life. Love, Leigha P.S. The best place to start learning how to undo the damage in your relationship, heal it and reconnect your relationship is to get my ebook – Make Him Fall In Love All Over Again. I KNOW it will help you right away!


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Hey, Leigha here – I’m a mom, wife, lover of the outdoors & Relationship Coach for High-Achieving Women. My mission is to help women steer clear of unhealthy, toxic, soul-destroying relationships and show them how to attract an integrated masculine man, and live a deeply rich and fulfilling life.

Early stages of dating

Bonding stages of dating

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