What To Do If He’s Become Cold, Distant And Confused And Your Marriage Is Crumbling

Leigha Lake
If your relationship feels like it’s crumbling and it doesn’t seem to matter what you do or say… you’re not alone. If your man has told you he wants a divorce or he’s not sure how he feels and you’re feeling lost and confused – I can help. When you understand how men and relationships work on an energetic level – you’ll have the power to transform your love life practically overnight. You’ll become the love goddess you truly are simply are. You’ll stop sabotaging behaviors keeping you stuck in the cycle of feeling happiness, then anger, then sadness, then hopelessness and then back to happiness for a short time. If you don’t learn how men and romantic relationships really work – you’ll keep trying to figure out how to get your relationship back to where it was in the beginning in a way that will NEVER work. (Whether you want him to be more motivated to get a higher paying job, provide a stronger sense a “safety,” or love you the way you need.)

How To Know If Your Man Is Capable Of Giving You The Love You Deserve

Step 1. Take is a step back – physically, emotionally and energetically

Literally create space MORE space between the two of you. (I know this will feel scary.)

Step 2. Stop initiating anything

Little texts, conversations, things we think are “innocent” but actually come off as needy and controlling to men. (I coach men as well and I hear how frustrating it is for them when their wife or girlfriend want to talk about the relationship or ask seemingly “innocent” questions.)

Step 3. Men are VERY simple

One of the most important “secrets” to remember is that men do what they want. This means – if you allow him the space to move towards you and make you happy – and he desires to work it out – he will. The feelings of love he has for you (that may be buried underneath frustration and resentment) will start to surface. A man’s “mission” is to make you happy. It’s in his DNA! If he feels controlled then he’ll lose his “drive” to fulfill his role as your partner – and he’ll have NO IDEA why this is happening so talking about it only creates MORE frustration. If you don’t allow him the space to figure things out he won’t be able to get close. It’s also the space you need to get into your love goddess energy and become a woman who attracts love and everything she desires effortlessly. If you’re in a toxic relationship nothing will “work” and you’re too precious to stay in a relationship with a man who can’t see how amazing you are! Some common signs you’re in a toxic relationship are:
  • Your partner lacks empathy
  • Everything’s always about them
  • They’re consistently hot and cold
  • You get little “rewards” renewing hope only to feel their absence soon after wards
  • You feel crazy most of the time
  • You think things could work out if only you were “good enough”
  • You wonder why you’re not worthy of their love
  • You’re constantly walking on eggshells

5 Steps To Getting Stronger – No Matter What’s Going On In Your Relationship

The most important thing you can do is start empowering yourself in every way you can. This has nothing to do with the relationship. Imagine yourself as a love goddess – notice if your energy shifts. Turning your relationship around has more to do with how you feel about yourself than anything else. How you feel about yourself will be reflected back TO you. This means when you embody your inner love goddess (who you really are) – if your husband can’t give you the relationship you desire – he’ll move further away. He won’t be able to stay in your presence – you’ll be on two different energetic wavelengths. Your desire should always be to embody your inner love goddess NOT to try to keep a man. The love you desire is on the frequency of “love goddess.” If he is the man for you, when you embody your inner love goddess – he’ll feel a sense of relief and deep attraction and want to shower you with his love. Here are 5 steps to start focusing on so you can start quickly turning your love life around. 1. Understand how romantic relationships work on an energetic level. 2. Stop talking about the relationship unless your man brings it up. 3. Become aware of the patterns keeping you stuck – beliefs, thoughts and ways of “being.” 4. Get the outside support you need to help you see clearly and re-design your relationship blueprint – which will give you permanent results. 5. Learn what co-dependent behaviors are so you don’t sabotage yourself. Example: thinking about him and what his needs are before you think about yourself even though he’s not treating you with love. All of our issues are a variation of the same thing – “I don’t have love and I need love.” Learn how to get your needs met in healthy, empowering ways so you can have the love and relationship you desire. You don’t need to endure the struggle and heartache anymore. To learn more about EXACTLY what to do and what not to do – check out my ebook Make Him Fall In Love All Over Again. I know it will really help you! Love, Leigha


  1. Connie Ybarra

    Was asking About Your Ebook as
    Mentioned Above,,??! 😊 is There
    A Cost For Your Ebook,,? Thanks


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Hey, Leigha here – I’m a mom, wife, lover of the outdoors & Relationship Coach for High-Achieving Women. My mission is to help women steer clear of unhealthy, toxic, soul-destroying relationships and show them how to attract an integrated masculine man, and live a deeply rich and fulfilling life.

Early stages of dating

Bonding stages of dating

Long term relationships


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