Do You Need Closure?

Leigha Lake

Has your man pulled away and you want to let him know you’re done?!!

Or has he pulled away and you’re still hoping he’ll soon realize he’s made a horrible mistake?

He’s just disappeared, without actually saying anything.

This is something I know I’ve experienced and many women have experienced.  It feels terrible when our man just pulls away, without an explanation.

We feel angry, and hurt, and at the same time, hope.  We have so many questions.  Why?  What did I do?  Can I fix it? And.. This doesn’t happen to me, why is this happening?

There’s this BIG EMPTY SPACE  we feel after a man has pulled away.  Instead of going into our feelings, because it feels bad, icky, messy and scary there, we go into our heads to keep from feeling.  Because we still WANT him!

We start going over EVERYTHING, the things we did and didn’t do, the things we said, or didn’t say, and we wonder if any of it would’ve made a difference in the outcome.  We distract ourselves from feeling our feelings.

I believe everything happens for a reason, and that no matter what happens, the Universe conspires to make it so.  I also believe we can’t push away our Mr. Right.

What do you do when you’re waiting in the space of nowhere?  When you’re lost and stranded on a desolate road unsure of where the road even goes.

The only person who can get you out of this place is YOU and what we want so badly is for our man to come and rescue us, right?

You put your big girl pants on and you get busy creating a life you love.  You get out there and circular date, heal in the presence of other men,  experience men giving to you, receive from them.  You figure out what’s going to make you the happiest woman on earth, and you start taking baby steps towards it. HINT:  It’s not a man.

You don’t call him and ask for closure.

Imagine yourself with your man and he walking away, now throw yourself on the ground and grab his leg!  Hold on tight!! Even tighter!  He’s now DRAGGING you across the road.  How does that feel?  Now what do you want to say to him?  Do you still want to ask for closure?

Will you honestly feel better if he tells you he “just wants to be friends”, “it’s not you, it’s me”, “let’s see other people”. No. It’s not going to make you feel better.  Why humiliate yourself?  Do you feel the need to be punished?

Have you ever called a man for closure and felt better about it?

Have you ever called a man for closure and wish you hadn’t?

If a man just disappears, do you need to chase him what he’s thinking, what’s going on?

What would you do?

And this is ultimately about YOU and experimenting with what feels best to you.


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Hey, Leigha here – I’m a mom, wife, lover of the outdoors & Relationship Coach for High-Achieving Women. My mission is to help women steer clear of unhealthy, toxic, soul-destroying relationships and show them how to attract an integrated masculine man, and live a deeply rich and fulfilling life.

Early stages of dating

Bonding stages of dating

Long term relationships


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