Having Sales Conversations With Potential Clients The Feminine Way

Leigha Lake
Hi Beautiful!Leigha_Lake_Feminine_Energy_Program_Quiz   Something that I haven’t talked a lot about is… I tend to work with mostly coaches and women entrepreneurs.   They want…   >>> to know how I create a consistent flow of clients (you’ll know why I require women to come to me and why they get amazing results down below)   >>> to know how to manifest in way where their desires come to them   >>> to tune into the frequency of ease and flow.   >>> to learn how to teach their clients how to embody feminine energy so they can attract even more clients   >>> to learn how to not take on their own client’s struggles and how to support them when things don’t seem to be going the way their clients think things should be going   What I really want to share with you today is my process of a “sales conversation”.  Let’s say you’re a coach…   Step 1. A woman reaches out to you wanting to work with you (she’s in her empowered masculine energy, this is what you want!). She already feels drawn to you on an energetic level. (We always draw people in with our energy first!)   Step 2. You’ve attracted her with YOUR feminine energy.    Step 3. I personally believe the decision has been mostly made already and she wants to feel a connection. A confirmation of what she’s feeling. What you’re feeling into here is if you feel excited to work with her. If you do, then your intuition is saying “yes”. If you don’t, your intuition is saying “no”, and your job is to listen and trust it. (I wish I had known this early on!!)   Step 4. If you believe you need to “help” her decide if she wants to work with you (lead her) then you’re going into your wounded masculine energy which will push HER into her wounded feminine. If she says “yes” from this space it will be difficult for her to get back into her empowered masculine energy which is required for her to get the results she’s looking for.    Step 5. As the coach/healer/entrepreneur your job is to stay in your empowered feminine energy and to trust in HER own power that she has everything inside of her to say “yes” or “no”. When you stay in your empowered feminine energy, if it’s a “good fit” she’ll be inspired to move forward (with the space you’ve created, just like with a man!) and make a decision. She’ll then have access to her own empowered feminine and feel a “yes” in her body.    Step 6. If she’s too afraid then she’ll say “no” and that’s a good thing!!! She won’t get the results she’s hoping for if she’s not able to move forward in the beginning stages of connecting with you. She may be used to being in codependent relationships and is looking for someone to make the decision for her or take on responsibility that isn’t theirs. Just like with a man, you’d never convince, or try and help him see why he “needs” you, right?!! The right people for YOU, will know, and they’ll act on it. This is what you want!!   Step 7. Once a woman has said “yes’ to working with you and made her payment, THEN the “roles” switch. It’s her job to now receive your coaching.  You’ll dance between the masculine and feminine and so will she. In order for her to receive your coaching, you’ll need to be in your masculine energy so she can receive with her feminine energy. She’ll then turn around and implement what she’s learning with her masculine.   I hope this will be helpful to you the next time a potential client reaches out to you! Let me know how it goes! Whether it’s a fit (or not) you’ll KNOW why! Attracting and receiving clients can be easy… or not. Attracting and receiving money can be easy… or not. Attracting and receiving love from an empowered masculine energy man can be easy… or not. You get to choose. Let’s choose easy! Love, Leigha P.S. Only 7 more days until Feminine Energy Secrets starts! I’m so excited, I can’t wait!! I’m so confident the tools and information in this program will change your life! Leigha Lake Feminine Energy Secrets


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Hey, Leigha here – I’m a mom, wife, lover of the outdoors & Relationship Coach for High-Achieving Women. My mission is to help women steer clear of unhealthy, toxic, soul-destroying relationships and show them how to attract an integrated masculine man, and live a deeply rich and fulfilling life.

Early stages of dating

Bonding stages of dating

Long term relationships


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