If you’re struggling and feeling frustrated with men and/or money, here’s something that can help you quickly!
High quality menand money [Cash] (imagine Cash as a man) are masculine energies. They’re on the HUNT for your feminine essence. The stronger your boundaries and self worth the stronger and more compelling your SCENT.
Does this excite you and turn you on? Or make you want to run?
As a woman, it’s your PLEASURE to create the pathway to your [Love Container] so a man and money can flow into it…. via strong boundaries and high self worth. (It’s a very seductive combination.)
If there’s no pathway or container, there’s nowhere for love and money to flow into AND flourish.
The stronger your boundaries the more attractive and mesmerizing you are.
………..EXCEPT you will repel men and clients who aren’t willing to rise up to your new standards.
The stronger your boundaries – the more you’ll quickly experience both men (your man) and Cash coming towards you and STAYING in your life.
The level of pleasure and connection in your love life and the amount of cash in your bank account are directly proportionate to your perceived self worth and ability to have strong boundaries.
What REPELS men and money?
Loose boundaries
Low self worth/value
Not wanting to know how much is in your bank account
Not wanting to know how much debt you have
Not paying bills
Spending money to fulfill unmet needs
Not expressing your truth
Fear of being alone
Keeping men in your life that you KNOW aren’t an energetic match
Staying in a toxic relationship
Discounting your services
Not charging what you truly want to be charging because you’re afraid no one will pay at your new price
Avoiding difficult conversations
Letting things slide with clients/men because you don’t want to “rock the boat,” come across as too demanding or high maintenance
Consistently second guessing yourself and wondering if you said or did the right thing
Worrying about what other people think
Your need for approval, safety and/or security [meaning: staying small and somewhat comfortable – retreating and avoiding] will DESTROY your ability to feel deeply supported and loved by both men and money.
Men and money are the SAME energy [masculine energy], once you master one area, you can absolutely master the other area.
Start having a love affair with Cash and watch how your love life transforms as well. 😉
Love, Leigha
P.S. I’m launching my newest <3 Men, Money and Intuition <3 Program at the beginning of January for 5 women. We’re going to dive deep into the energetics of all things men, love, relationships, money, clients, business, intuition and fear.
I’m not a business coach, yet because one of my gifts is understanding the energy dynamic underneath “reality” and being able to shift it, my clients automatically start attracting more money whether they’re entrepreneurs, work a 9 to 5 job or start their own coaching businesses. (Many of my clients have gone on to become coaches themselves.)
If this is something you’re interested in learning more about >>>go here <<< or contact me here.
Gosh Leigha,what a synchronicity to come across your blog! This is exactly the perspective I have been looking for.
Thankyou for sharing with us all x
Angela, I’m so happy to hear this was helpful and just what you were looking for! Love, Leigha