Success Story! Transform Your Love Life Overnight – This Way

Leigha Lake

Here’s an amazing email I received last night!

I’m sharing it with all of you (with permission from the author) in hopes of letting you know there IS a way to do things “differently” with your man – to inspire him to want to give you all the love and affection you desire!

Many times a woman will come to me as her “last hope” of saving her relationship and once she implements the Tools and Method I’ve learned, practiced and now teach women – her whole relationship can transform quickly.

Read how quickly Elise turned her relationship around…

“Hi Leigha,

I conducted a google search and found your website. I listened to the interview you have posted.

I was struggling with my boyfriend being distant and instantly implemented the lean back method. I am not kidding when I say he turned completely around over the course of one day.

Usually when I come home, I walk up to him and give him a big kiss. Yesterday I did not. I did not hug him, kiss him, touch him. In fact, I kept the kitchen island between us.

I maintained a positive energy and it is completely mind blowing how fast he turned around. He went from not wanting to be in the same room as me the previous evening to …. well we had the most mind blowing sex ever. And all I had to do was lean back.

I would have never believed it had I not tried. This morning he was the same. It was like he had just fallen for me for the first time. The looks, the touches while making breakfast….Unbelievable.

I had to message you and say thank you for posting this and that what you are doing is amazing.

Incredibly simple, but amazing none the less. I suppose I am extra hyped to come to the realization that I have finally found the man for me. The man that values me enough to come forward when I lean back.

Honestly, it seemed magical and I HAD to give you the feedback.

My joy is not so much in that he came back to me in such a dramatic way, but that it validates my value to him and that our relationship is real on both sides.  That alone is priceless.

I think the point that really drove it home for me was the statement of ‘if he does not come to you, then he is not the man for you’. That statement is so true on so many levels. I can relate to that because my ex had withdrawn for years.  No amount of leaning back would get him to come towards me. So I think driving the point home that if he does not give chase, the woman must cut her losses and move on. Five years of a distant partner is no life to lead.

Thank you!!! ~ Elise”

My Response:

Elise, you’re amazing!!!  Yayyyyyy!!!! I love, love, love this!!! I’m so so excited for you and what’s to come!! This is simply BRILLIANT!!! ????

Yes!!  You’re absolutely right – if a man isn’t willing to “pursue” when we give him the space to come close and we’re happy to see him when he does – it’s a clear sign he’s not our man.  It really is that simple.  It’s in a man’s DNA to chase, pursue and “win” us! All we have to do is let him!! ????

We’re all extremely attracted to a partner who values themselves enough to not stay in a situation that doesn’t feel good.

As women – when we learn how men and relationships really work and know what to look for in a man/partner, it gives us even more confidence to lean back and give him the space to step up – ramping up his attraction even more!!  It’s a win/win!!!

Please keep me posted with any updates you want to share! I know it helps every woman to hear quick, amazing success stories just like yours!

Love, Leigha


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Hey, Leigha here – I’m a mom, wife, lover of the outdoors & Relationship Coach for High-Achieving Women. My mission is to help women steer clear of unhealthy, toxic, soul-destroying relationships and show them how to attract an integrated masculine man, and live a deeply rich and fulfilling life.

Early stages of dating

Bonding stages of dating

Long term relationships


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