I hope your weekend is starting off the way you want it too!
I’m finding myself with some “extra” time and feel inspired to send a quick Love Note.
Being irresistible to ANYTHING is easier than you might think!
How To Become Irresistible To Everything You Want
Step 1. Reconnect With The Magic Within
Know who you really ARE.
You are Divine Energy sent here with a very specific purpose (mission).
Step 2. Awareness + Clarity = Transformation
To discover what your purpose is, really give yourself some time to discover and embrace your true desires. This is where it HAS to start.
This is your most authentic self. Your truest self.
From here we vibrate at the level of TRUTH (the highest vibration).
Living from our truth makes us INSTANTLY and AUTOMATICALLY irresistible to everything our heart desires.
The more aware we are of our spiritual side and true purpose, the more clearly we see the opportunities in front of us (there are opportunities in front of us everyday we don’t see).
If we accept and “step into” these opportunities our lives will quickly transform.
This is when your soul mate shows up because you’re now a beacon of light – a Lighthouse.
Or it brings back the love and passion in your relationship because you’re putting all of your energy back onto you where it belongs and it gives your man the space he needs to build and feel attraction.
Become Irresistible Right Now
Recreate Your Reality (This is where it starts)
Set aside time everyday to connect with your desires and spirituality. (My favorite time is in the morning.)
Let yourself visualize the life you want. The true MAGIC of your life is here. It’s inside of you. It’s as though there’s an invisible network waiting for you to connect with it so it can get to work on your behalf.
This will also put you “in tune” with your intuition. You’ll literally see things that have been in your reality that you just haven’t been seeing.
Live From An Abundant Mindset
If you want to attract or be with a man who has an abundant mindset – it has to start with you. (Who doesn’t want to be with a man who believes in abundance? It’s irresistible!! ????
Here’s a quick Tool to help you quickly shift your focus from what you don’t want to what you REALLY want.
As we move into the Holiday Season, it’s easy to start feeling stressed out and worried about finances and having things “perfect.”
Having an abundant mindset can feel hard if you don’t think you have “enough” to begin with.
Here’s a place to start.
I Can Easily Pay Full Price Tool
Stop looking for sales. Period.
This has literally changed my life. I no longer look at prices for clothes, groceries, gas – things I’m already planning to buy.
I’m HAPPY to pay full price knowing there truly is no “lack” in the Universe. It’s very liberating!
It’s more about asking myself, “What kind of experience do I want to have?”
When we moved from Hawaii a year and a half ago, we were a one car family for awhile.
With another baby on the way, it was time to be a two car family. Instead of looking for what was “practical.” I let myself purchase a luxury car. I’ve never looked back.
This is my new normal.
This can be your reality too! It only takes a few simple shifts in how we see things.
Remember – everything is connected. When you start shifting to a more expansive mindset in one area, it flows over into ALL areas!
Imagine living from a place of true abundance ALL THE TIME…
How would that feel?
See if this changes your perception of “Black Friday.”
I would love to hear how this goes for you!!
Love, Leigha
Learn more about being irresistible in The Feminine Art Of Attraction Program!