If you’re anything like me, there’s a common theme many of us women experience in our love lives – it’s the gut-wrenching, hand-wringing feeling of anxiety. In relationships and love – it happens when we don’t feel a man’s energy moving towards us. (It can even be with a man you’ve just met!)
Maybe it’s because things are going really well and you haven’t heard from him by the time you think you should have – and you’re worried at any moment the good feelings will stop…
It could be his words and his actions aren’t matching up but you love him and you’re not willing to walk away – just yet…
It could be he’s stopped calling and initiating like he did in the beginning and you’re worried he might be waiting for you to “initiate”?
Or the most devastating thought – “What if I did or said something to push him away and there’s actually something I need to do to “fix” things fast?”
When I first met my husband – I was what I’d call – a professional dater. I had really come to understand men, dating and attraction. Men had almost become predictable.
I knew my only job was to enjoy myself when I was with him and let him move everything forward. (Here’s a secret though – I knew he was “the one” on date #2!)
One day – only four months into our relationship – he didn’t text me my usual “good morning” text. I tried not to let my mind wander but I couldn’t help but feel the familiar feelings of dread and anxiety rush through my body.
It had been awhile since I’d felt those feelings… I wanted nothing more than to never feel that way again.
I actually thought I was “past” this! How could I feel so confident one minute and yet have these powerful feelings consume me the next?
We start to question if it’s our “stuff,” or if we’re being naive and we’re missing some important signs.
We’ve all been there at some point… we’ve all felt the dreaded feelings of worry, fear, and nervousness all jumbled together causing us to feel compelled to do almost anything to not feel that way (even if we know better)… and when it comes to our love lives… we typically do what doesn’t work.
We feel compelled to “lean toward” our man by calling, texting or talking with him face to face so we can feel connected again. Only to a man – it feels needy and desperate.
The truth is: When we lean forward – we’re looking to him for reassurance and connection.
Reassurance everything’s ok.
Reassurance things are still “good” between the two of you.
In my extensive experience of dating and relationships – I noticed if I felt anxious for more than a day, two at the most – it wasn’t just me and my “stuff.”
My intuition was actually telling me something.
If You’re Feeling Anxious About Your Man Right Now – Do These 3 Things
(First – Yayyy for being aware of how you’re feeling. This is the very first step!)
Second – Now imagine there’s a big, soft cozy throne behind you, sit down and lean back softly into it. This throne is the essence of love – you’re now leaning back into – and being supported by love. How does that feel?
Third – Tap into the woman you know is inside of you. The one who believes she is the prize her man needs to win. The one who believes she is the Queen and Goddess of her world.
A Queen doesn’t rush towards a man because she’s feeling anxious. She knows if a man’s energy isn’t coming towards her regularly – he could “disqualify” himself.
She requires a man to know and do what he needs to – to “win” her over.
There’s no drama, fighting or asking him repeatedly to give her the time, love, attention, affection or commitment she needs.
She leans back in her throne gracefully and notices what her man is capable of and what he’s not capable of.
Turn Yourself Into A Man Magnet – This Way
Right Now – Imagine your man’s standing right in front of you. How does that feel?
Now Imagine – You’re standing there with your body softened, your arms hanging down by your sides with your palms facing him and you say…
“I love myself enough to know I will not chase any man – and yet I can still keep my heart open to you.”
How does that feel? (You say this to yourself.)
Just recently, a woman implemented this easy Tool and her man who had become very distant – is now consistently moving towards her – more than he ever has in-fact.
It’s the smallest shift in our vibe that can create the biggest results!
I would love to hear how this goes for you! As always – I love hearing your updates and successes!!
Much Love, Leigha
P.S. Something magical happens in a woman’s love life when she leans back and believes in her value – even if she gets anxious, worried or insecure at times. A man wants to be inspired to be the best man he can be for her. You can’t push a man away by leaning back and being open and inviting at the same time.