How To Break Free From A Painful Relationship

Leigha Lake
If you’re feeling sad, frustrated and heartbroken because you’re wondering how you’re ever going to get the strength to finally walk away from your relationship…
(You wish you could – but you can’t!) – you just can’t physically make yourself walk away because the idea of being without him hurts too bad, even though things feel bad most of the time… you’re not alone. And what about… the chemistry – it’s amazing – (and everyone knows it’s hard to find someone you connect with like this)!! And you’ve never loved someone quite like this before… You’ve invested so much time, energy and love into this relationship. You really wanted this relationship to work! Here are signs you’re with a man who isn’t capable of loving you the way you deserve to be loved:
  • He doesn’t treat you in the loving way that you treat him (this should be EASY)…
  • He has two sides, his soft side and his mean side, and you see more and more of his mean side…
  • His needs are more important than yours…
  • He gets mad (even livid) at the smallest things, even if they don’t affect him…
  • He does what he wants and doesn’t include you or think about your needs…
  • He turns everything around on you when you try and express yourself…
  • He tells you he loves you one minute and is cold the next minute…
  • He tells you he’s confused and doesn’t know what he wants, but he wants you in his life still…
  • He just needs time and space, and in the meantime he’s going to be seeing other women…
  • Things feel good… less and less…
And to make things more confusing, it’s as if the minute you decide you’re going to leave he can feel it, and he turns on the “charm” and shows you the man you fell in love with in the first place. It’s so so so so hard to stay strong and walk away when you know he’s capable of being the man who makes you feel so loved and adored. For some reason you can’t stay strong no matter how hard you try… and you do often wonder if there’s a way to “save” the relationship. Many women in toxic relationships end up staying way too long in hopes that their man will FINALLY realize how amazing they are and the relationship can be what they always hoped it would be (they’ve seen glimpses!!)…and they wait, and wait…and years go by and they silently suffer. Here’s the most important thing you can start doing to building up your strength to be able to walk away… Most well-meaning friends and family will try and push you to end it and if that worked, you would’ve done it already, right??

Step 1: Get Your Energy Working for You and Not Against You

I want you to imagine a wonderful, healthy, successful masculine man pursing you like you’ve never been pursued before. He wants nothing more than to love you and cherish you and make you feel like the goddess you are, so you can relax and lean back into his love, feeling happier than ever. He thinks you’re the most amazing woman he’s ever met and you’re simply being you. Imagine talking and connecting on a deeper level than you ever have with anyone. You always wanted this, but believed it didn’t exist for you. You feel so happy you decided to allow yourself to be open to a man who’s capable of giving you the love you deserve. Everything happened so much quicker and easier than you ever imagined. If you can imagine and FEEL what you want, you’ll have your energy and the Universe working for you so you don’t have to rely so much on willpower and trying to make yourself do something. (I’m a fan of making things as easy and effortless as possible!) If you keep thinking back to what things used to be, and what you wanted them to be and the finality of it all – you’ll remain stuck and everything will feel difficult and emotionally draining.

Step 2: Stop Beating Yourself Up

Women find it SO easy to beat themselves up over everything – and give everyone else the benefit of the doubt. Please stop beating yourself up. As soon as you catch yourself saying anything negative, for example, “I should be further along by now…” replace it with, “I’m doing so much better than I ever have.” “I’m getting there.” “I’m moving forward at my pace.” Start here. You’ll feel your energy automatically start to shift (without doing anything about the relationship) and you’ll realize you’re getting stronger and stronger and the relationship you’re in now won’t have the same “pull” on you. You’ll be able to break free and start feeling happy again, baby step by baby step. Love, Leigha


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Hey, Leigha here – I’m a mom, wife, lover of the outdoors & Relationship Coach for High-Achieving Women. My mission is to help women steer clear of unhealthy, toxic, soul-destroying relationships and show them how to attract an integrated masculine man, and live a deeply rich and fulfilling life.

Early stages of dating

Bonding stages of dating

Long term relationships


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