Dissolve The Fear Keeping You From Experiencing The Love You Desire

Leigha Lake
Hi Lovely, If you’re not experiencing the loving, intimate, and connected relationship you want – no doubt fear and judgment are playing a part. The good new is, it doesn’t have to take a long time for these to no longer be an issue! Something I’ve been becoming more and more aware of lately with so many women is – they’re stuck in fear.
  • Fear that for some reason other women can have love, but they can’t…
  • Fear that their life isn’t going to change…
  • Fear that they’re not going to be ok…
  • Fear of what could happen…
  • Fear of being seen…
  • Fear of being invisible…
  • Fear of what might not happen…
  • Fear of being alone…
  • Fear of being trapped…
  • Fear of being vulnerable…
  • Fear of being hurt…
…..and this fear is simply an illusion – it’s a judgment about who you think you are based on your past and what you need to protect and/or hide. This is why women settle…
  • Fear keeps you from believing what you want is possible…
  • from trusting…
  • from loving…
  • from connecting…
  • from sharing your truth…
  • from sharing your feelings…
  • from believing there’s NO REASON you can’t have the love you want
  • from being your beautiful, sparkly, shimmery goddess self
  • from having EVERYTHING your heart desires.
….And it truly doesn’t have to be this way. This fear has to do with your own judgment about your past (or current) experiences and what you think others will judge you for… here are some examples… If you’ve been heartbroken in the past – maybe you won’t trust or open up fully, and then YOU’LL feel disconnected from everyone. If you’ve been divorced…once, twice…three times or more – you might be worried about being judged, or rejected before someone has the chance to even know you, and it makes you want to hide parts of yourself. When you do this, you stop feeling safe and trusting that others will be fully open. Maybe you’re afraid of expressing your feelings because it feels too scary and vulnerable so you put up a wall and shut down… Maybe you’re afraid of being alone so you accept crumbs and less than what you deserve – and you stop telling the truth to yourself which only amplifies the fear inside of you. Leave the Love Paradigm of pain and struggle and step into the new Love Paradigm, one of connection and compassion. Whenever you’re experiencing heartache or a painful disconnection with a man, notice if there’s anything you’re judging about yourself that you don’t like. When you’re willing to drop your judgments about who you think you are (based on your past experiences) and come back home to the TRUTH of who you really are (think Love Goddess) then you’ll stop experiencing a lack of love and connection in your life. If you don’t drop the judgments, then you’ll find yourself feeling bad – and needing reassurance and validation. When you HAVE an intimate relationship with yourself, you’ll stop attracting men or the behavior of a man who aren’t willing to have the intimate, connected relationship you want. They won’t be a match for you. When you drop your judgments about yourself (you’re not lovable, you’ve been divorced, you’re too old, you need to lose weight, etc,…) and show up as a vessel for love to flow freely then the men in front of you will start to transform simply through your presence. There’s no drama, no triggers, no arguing, no blaming… You’re a goddess who’s full of love, grace and compassion for both herself and the man in front of her – seeing through the illusion of judgment from both parties. This also looks like being willing to be open about the scariest parts of yourself. There’s nothing to be afraid of or to hide. Simply expressing yourself and how you really feel – unapologetically – from your goddess energy. What You Can Do Right Now To Dissolve The “Illusion” Of Fear Wherever you’re at right now in THIS moment, notice how much “judgment” you’re carrying with you. Do you feel heavy? Do you feel tired? Or do you feel light and happy? Now, imagine taking all of your fears and judgments that you have right now and wrap them up in a blanket of love. Wrap up all your fears of why you think you can’t have what you want. Really think about everything you’re afraid of…and put it in the blanket and wrap it all up. Now, imagine that blanket getting smaller and smaller and smaller… so you can’t even see it anymore. It’s completely dissolved. Notice how you feel. If you feel even the slightest bit better and lighter… celebrate!! Be with that feeling as much as possible today. <3 Remember – thinking and analyzing will NEVER create the results you’re looking for, and will ONLY keep you stuck in fear and judgment. (It’s the wounded masculine paradigm that’s crumbling every second allowing for love, compassion and connection to BECOME the most natural way of relating to one another.) To have the loving, deep heart-to-heart connection you want in your love life, practice dropping your judgments of yourself and others all day long. Love, Leigha P.S. If you’re ready to dissolve the fear that’s keeping you from having a deep heart-to-heart connection with a man, Relationship Coach Helena Hart and I have created a BRAND-NEW telecourse called Connect With His Heart. We’re super excited to share that Rori Raye (who has transformed millions of lives world wide) will be a special guest on one of the calls! We’ll also be answering all of YOUR personal questions.


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Hey, Leigha here – I’m a mom, wife, lover of the outdoors & Relationship Coach for High-Achieving Women. My mission is to help women steer clear of unhealthy, toxic, soul-destroying relationships and show them how to attract an integrated masculine man, and live a deeply rich and fulfilling life.

Early stages of dating

Bonding stages of dating

Long term relationships


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